Thursday, February 7, 2013

Photo of a Ramp

Now you might not be able to see it, but this plane is capable of opening a large section in the middle in order to transport of large materials. When the plane opens up, a ramp is attached since most of the objects are very large. A ramp is known as a simple machine. The ramp is used to bring large objects down and up while only requiring a small force. Since work is parallel, and the ramp is not exactly parallel, a smaller force is required due to the greater distance. Say the ramp is 4 m long and 1m high. The person only has to exert a fourth of the force since he is pushing the object over a larger distance. Although the same amount of work is done, either lifting the box 1 m or pushing the box on a 4m ramp, you exert a smaller force when using the ramp since it has a larger distance.  

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