Thursday, November 29, 2012

Tides in Bermuda

You may be wondering how tides happen in our world? Before we answer that question we must know that there are four different tides every day. There are two high tides and two low tides every single day. This happens because of the gravitational pull of the moon. The moon is pulling the earth equal and opposite to the gravitational force. Different tides occur throughout the day since the moon rotates around our planet. Think of a tug of war between the moon and the earth. Tides occur because of the gravitational force of the moon. In the photo bellow it is interesting to notice that the seaweed is higher than the water line. The seaweed is so far up the beach because the high tide pushed it there. That means there is a low tide currently. A really high tide will occur during a full moon and a very low tide will occur during a new moon. To answer our initial questions tides are caused by the difference between the forces on each side of the earth.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Impulse and Momentum

I decided to use this video on impulse and momentum since it includes an example when explaining the concepts. The video also incorporates very important formulas for this topic such as the formula for momentum and impulse. The video explains the relationship between impulse and time. P= F x Change in T. The video explains that if a force is applied for a longer time period, the impulse will increase. The home run hit is an example of how impulse and momentum is seen in typical life.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Riding the Waves

The youtube video offers a cartoon visual when discussing the tides that exists on our planet. The video goes into detail about why the oval shapes around our world. It also talked about high tides and low tides. The video discusses gravitational force and how it affects us. The video briefly touches on the distance squared rule when he uses a water hose as an example. This is the most commonly forgotten rule when applied to the gravitational force equation. I liked this video a lot since it also discusses certain scenarios such as the earth being too close to the sun.